Save some time!

You can save precious minutes on your first appointment if you download the new patient form on this website and fill it in before you come in to the office. If you don’t have the computer capabilities to do so, don’t worry--we have the forms for you in the office. Once the forms are completed, the doctor will see you. An initial consultation and a chiropractic examination will then be performed. This examination might include x-rays if they are necessary. The doctor will discuss this with you and will make sure you are clear of the fees before we proceed. After this initial examination the staff will play a short video for you that explains the basics of chiropractic and what we are going to do. The doctor will then look at your x-rays, if any were taken, and will adjust you. After your adjustment, the doctor will bring you to the front desk where they will schedule you for your second visit consultation, including an x-ray report (if taken). At this second visit we will explain what was found, what we can do for you, and how long it will take. For the next step, the doctor will then send in our financial assistant to discuss our fees and your insurance benefits if you have coverage.

Click the image below to download the New Patient Form.

Click here to download forms.

Click here to download forms.